Land of Fruits and Nuts

Where everyone's a dreamer

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ask Yourself

Before you go out this Evening You May Want to Take this Little Quiz (Courtesy of my new favorite book "The Hookup Handbook A Single Girl's Guide to Living it UP" but Andrea Lavinthal and Jessica Rozler)


1. I Hook Up:
a. every once in a while. Who Doesn't
b. my DVD player to my TV.
c. only on days that end in y.

2. I wear thongs:
a. on my feet.
b. when I don't want visible panty lines.
c. when I'm lucky enough to find them on the floor the next morning.

3. My Longest Relationship Lasted for:
a. six months
b. six years
c. six beers

4. True or False: Drink till he's cute.

5. If variety is the spice of life, the my romantic life is:
a. curry
b. white rice
c. wasabi smeared onto a paper cut.

6. True or False: Manolo Blahniks.

7. The morning after a wild night on the town, I wake up:
a. with my pjs on, alone in my bed.
b. with a massive hangover
c. with a massively well-hung man

8. Boys:
a. lie
b. Can't live with them, can't live without them.
c. need to take a number if they want to get into my bedroom.

9. The song title that best describes my social life is:
a. "Let's get drunk and screw," Jimmy Buffett
b. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," Cyndi Lauper
c. "All by Myself," Celine Dion

10. True or False: Happy Hour

11. Complete the following analogy: Me: Monogamy
a. J.Lo : Marriage
b. Britney Spears : Virginity

1. A:2; B:1; C 3
2. A:1; B:2; C: 3
3. A:1; B:2; C:3
4. True: 3; False: 1
5. A: 2; B: 1; C: 3
6. True: 3; False: 1
7. A:1; B:2; C:3
8. A:1; B:2; C:3
9. A:3; B:2; C:1
10. True:3; False:1
11. A:1; B:3

11 to 15 Bootyphobic: The Once- In-A-Blue-Moon Hookup Artist
You do hook up- as often as February has twenty-nine days or solar eclipsed darken the midday sky. In order to irrigate your romantic dessert, you need to break you standing date with the remote control and live a little! You're young, you're single, and you're fabulous. A little make-out session here and there never hurt anyone.

16 to 25 Bootylicious: The Healthy Hookup
YOu are a healthy, normal girl. You kick back, relax, have fun, and every once in a while hook up. Don't change a thing. You'll do fine.

26 to 33 Bootymonster: The Hookup-a-holic
Stop in the name of love... and STDs.... and liver damage. deadlineYou are a science project gone crazy- a hormone driven, alcohol fueled queen of random sexual encounters. Part of us wants you to stop, but the other wants you to keep doing what you are doing. Obviously you have a lot of friends who are enjoying the free entertainment you provide. And who are we to deprive them of that?