Strange Days
This has been a weird week.
During the course of the week I have realized that I want to fire my business partner, visited munchkinland, been chewed out by Bigheaded Psycho Bitch at work for no reason other than breathing too loud, lost a cast member, found the same cast member, had a minor breakdown, and for the first time ever my shrink actually gave me straight forward advice (yes I see a shrink).
I am working on what some would call a "Passion Project." Something that I have been working on since I was in college. I'll tell you more about it later. A few months ago I approached another producer about it to get some fresh eyes on it and he latched on and somehow it spiraled into "our" project. Well, I have since then armed myself with business advisors and lawyers and have realized that although I have made some mistakes by letting this guy get attached to the project- I need to get rid of him. He is nothing but trouble. This is MY BABY. Plus he's got gangle teeth.
Munckinland- see yesterdays posting. Oy Vey.
I work with this woman who thinks her shit don't stink and the world revolves around her and that she is the ONLY one in the office with work to do. So Monday night she comes into my office all a tizzy barking orders at me about this that and the other and I calmly said "whatever you need psycho bitch" The next day one of the moron actors shows up almost 2 hours early. I go to tell her and she snaps "I have too much work yada yada blah blah" I asked her what she wanted me to do with the guy. She interpreted it as me huffing and puffing. She told me to make him wait the 2 hours until the appropriate audition time. Bitch. So I ask the guy to wait. Not even 10 min later walks by my office, DOESN'T GET ME- who is supposed to run the damn auditions- shoots me a look- and gets the guy and does the audition. A little later she comes into my office and says "What are we going to do about this situation between us" Confused- I gave her a blank stare. She started attacking me telling me what attitude I had and how much work she had and blah blah how I wasn't a "team player" which is BULL SHIT. I am the team. Then I started to cry! I told her how mean she was and how she attacks people. Too bad I am the only one in the office to stand up to her. Oh well. Later the Exec producer came in and apologized for her says she has issues. Her main issue- I have the big office and she has to sit in the main room with everyone else.
Actors think they are on their own schedules and production people do not spend oogles of money on them so they spend their merry time getting to places. For example. This morning Asshole was supposed to show at 10am. Didn't answer his 3 phones. Come noon. Oh yeah. I can make it at 2. Dickweed. Actor Found. Actor will never be hired again.
A little stressed about getting rid of Gangle Toothed partner. Hadn't heard back from super busy lawyer about a pressing matter. Couldn't find the appropriate notepad with my new therapy appointment time. Dad was overdramatizing things. Got to therapy an hour early because I couldn't remember the time and the door was locked. Sat in my car and cried like a baby. Feel much better.
Side note: I highly suggest seeing a shrink. I have seen them on and off since I was a kid. Not that I am nutso or anything. It's just a good way to escape your problems and have "me time"
Therapists normally do not tell you how to live your life or give solid suggestions of what to do. However because I have been so scatterbrained lately my shrink told me I needed to get an organizer like a sidekick or a palm pilot and get rid of all the notebooks, pads of paper, outlook express, filofax, and various ways that I TRY to keep myself organized.
Just now I was told they are buying me lunch at work. Tonight I am staying in to prepare for my detox day tomorrow. Manicure, Pedicure, Various Treatments at the spa, and a hydrocolonic (first of a series of 3). I'll let you know how it all goes.
During the course of the week I have realized that I want to fire my business partner, visited munchkinland, been chewed out by Bigheaded Psycho Bitch at work for no reason other than breathing too loud, lost a cast member, found the same cast member, had a minor breakdown, and for the first time ever my shrink actually gave me straight forward advice (yes I see a shrink).
I am working on what some would call a "Passion Project." Something that I have been working on since I was in college. I'll tell you more about it later. A few months ago I approached another producer about it to get some fresh eyes on it and he latched on and somehow it spiraled into "our" project. Well, I have since then armed myself with business advisors and lawyers and have realized that although I have made some mistakes by letting this guy get attached to the project- I need to get rid of him. He is nothing but trouble. This is MY BABY. Plus he's got gangle teeth.
Munckinland- see yesterdays posting. Oy Vey.
I work with this woman who thinks her shit don't stink and the world revolves around her and that she is the ONLY one in the office with work to do. So Monday night she comes into my office all a tizzy barking orders at me about this that and the other and I calmly said "whatever you need psycho bitch" The next day one of the moron actors shows up almost 2 hours early. I go to tell her and she snaps "I have too much work yada yada blah blah" I asked her what she wanted me to do with the guy. She interpreted it as me huffing and puffing. She told me to make him wait the 2 hours until the appropriate audition time. Bitch. So I ask the guy to wait. Not even 10 min later walks by my office, DOESN'T GET ME- who is supposed to run the damn auditions- shoots me a look- and gets the guy and does the audition. A little later she comes into my office and says "What are we going to do about this situation between us" Confused- I gave her a blank stare. She started attacking me telling me what attitude I had and how much work she had and blah blah how I wasn't a "team player" which is BULL SHIT. I am the team. Then I started to cry! I told her how mean she was and how she attacks people. Too bad I am the only one in the office to stand up to her. Oh well. Later the Exec producer came in and apologized for her says she has issues. Her main issue- I have the big office and she has to sit in the main room with everyone else.
Actors think they are on their own schedules and production people do not spend oogles of money on them so they spend their merry time getting to places. For example. This morning Asshole was supposed to show at 10am. Didn't answer his 3 phones. Come noon. Oh yeah. I can make it at 2. Dickweed. Actor Found. Actor will never be hired again.
A little stressed about getting rid of Gangle Toothed partner. Hadn't heard back from super busy lawyer about a pressing matter. Couldn't find the appropriate notepad with my new therapy appointment time. Dad was overdramatizing things. Got to therapy an hour early because I couldn't remember the time and the door was locked. Sat in my car and cried like a baby. Feel much better.
Side note: I highly suggest seeing a shrink. I have seen them on and off since I was a kid. Not that I am nutso or anything. It's just a good way to escape your problems and have "me time"
Therapists normally do not tell you how to live your life or give solid suggestions of what to do. However because I have been so scatterbrained lately my shrink told me I needed to get an organizer like a sidekick or a palm pilot and get rid of all the notebooks, pads of paper, outlook express, filofax, and various ways that I TRY to keep myself organized.
Just now I was told they are buying me lunch at work. Tonight I am staying in to prepare for my detox day tomorrow. Manicure, Pedicure, Various Treatments at the spa, and a hydrocolonic (first of a series of 3). I'll let you know how it all goes.
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